Category: Hedge Funds

Is The Private Equity Hype Over (?)

The rise in public equity prices during the ZIRP and quantitative easing years was mirrored in the private equity space as an abundance of cheap debt armed an ever increasing number of buyout funds with the ammunition they needed to complete deals.

6 June 2023 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund VIP ETF 2022 Review

Are hedge funds good at picking their favorite long positions? We review GVIP ETF performance for 2022 to find the answer.

7 February 2023 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF Update

Can long-only strategies based on 13-F filings outperform the market? We follow up with tracking GS GVIP ETF over recent months

6 September 2022 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF Update

Can long-only strategies based on 13-F filings outperform the market? We take another look after our original analysis in November 2021.

16 February 2022 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Industry VIP ETF Outperforming Since Pandemic

Can long-only strategies based on 13-F filings outperform the market? We are taking a closer look at one ETF that tries to do just that.

8 November 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Managed Futures Q3 Performance Review

2021 is a year when many people have begun to enjoy a return to something like ‘normal’ life after the difficulties of 2020. And it certainly appeared like that for a while in financial markets – until recently – as many sectors bounced back and hedge fund strategies did well.

26 October 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

H1 2021 Hedge Fund Strategy Performance Review

The equities keep charging forward as the first half of 2021 comes to a close, and hedge fund strategies performance in H1 seems to correlate to the amount of equites they hold. However, on Risk-Adjusted basis the picture is not so obvious.

27 July 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Q1 2021 Hedge Fund Strategy Performance Dominated By Crypto

The Crypto funds have experienced an explosion in performance and AUM in 2020. They appear to continue the winning trend into Q1 of 2021.

12 April 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Venture Capital Continues to Shine

The Venture Capital Index performance by TR / DSCQ continues to justify the “smart money” title

8 February 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

Crypto Hedge Funds Dominate 2020 Best Performers List

The Crypto funds have experienced an explosion in performance and AUM in 2020. Will these trends continue?

11 January 2021 |
 Dmitri Alexeev

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