Why AlphaBot?

AlphaBot is a Portfolio Construction and Analytics tool offering a novel blend of functionality that has never been seen in either the traditional or alternative investment spaces. It combines features that make complicated tasks simple starting from data acquisition, performing analysis, building portfolios, and all the way to executing allocations.

Plans designed for varied roles

Learn about key benefits of AlphaBot for different types of users below


Save time usually spent on infrastructure and data management. Connect directly to managers and service providers for instant news and performance updates, mix instruments from different asset classes, find the best strategies and services providers - everything you need is there to help you focus on finding the best investments for your needs.


Become a critical connecting link between your clients and investment providers. Provide clients and investors with instant performance updates, research notes or market analysis. 


Connect to investors and provide performance updates directly, stay in contact, share research and market updates, build a relationship and receive allocation orders all within one consistent interface! relationship and receive allocation orders all within one consistent interface!


Provide clients and investors with instant performance updates, research notes, and market analysis. Build solutions, portfolios and use benchmarks tailored to specific investor’s needs. Connect to investment managers and service providers to find solutions for your clients needs. 

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Evaluate AlphaBot and its incredible capabilities to mix data sources, frequencies, and formats for free.

Frequently asked questions

What is the main benefit of using AlphaBot for investors?

Saving your precious time and refocusing it from things like fixing formulas in Excel and managing multiple folders with documents to something much more important - finding better investment opportunities. This simple transition can save you up to 90% of time (based on our personal experience and that of our customers), and as a result help expand your potential investment universe and make better decisions.

Why is building portfolios in AlphaBot better than doing it in Excel??

While Excel is a great tool in many cases, building portfolios in it is a very time-consuming and error-prone process, considering the need to constantly update formulas, ranges, dates, and much more. Making changes to portfolios in Excel elevates the problem as new returns need to be inserted, the old ones removed, weights and formulas re-applied etc. And that is considering that you already do have a template to begin with, with all relevant performance, attribution, correlation and many other calculations programmed in. Compare this process with building portfolios in AlphaBot where all you have to do is pick your set of instruments (from any source and any asset class) and click “Create Portfolio”. Making changes and updating portfolios.

Is my data kept private?

Yes! All your data in AlphaBot is private to you. The sharing features only apply to data (returns, portfolios, documents, etc) that you SPECIFICALLY decide to share. You also decide who to share data with and have full control over the process. If data sharing is not of interest to you, nothing is shared, and all your data is private.

What kinds of asset classes are supported?

Any asset class that has returns can be used in analysis and portfolio construction. Crypto, Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, Equities, Private Equity can all be used separately or combined. Our analytical tools work equally well with any asset class.

Most hedge fund data sources use monthly returns. Does AlphaBot support other reporting frequencies?

Yes! Not only can AlphaBot work with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annual data (for less liquid instruments, for example), it can also automatically determine the best analysis mode for a mixed set of instruments. Thus you can take a set of monthly hedge fund returns, mix it with a daily benchmark (such as S&P 500 or others), and the system will automatically convert returns into the most useful frequency and provide you with meaningful results.

What are the sources of data?

AlphaBot has multiple data feeds that are automated and updated daily (hedge fund databases, equities, mutual funds, crypto currencies, and more). In addition, individual users can upload and make available their own data for subscription by others. If you are a subscriber to any of such feeds, your data will update the moment the provider updates it. In addition, you can import your own returns.

Can I load my own returns?

Definitely! Simply save the returns in csv format (very easy to do from Excel using the “Save As” feature and picking “CSV” for file type), then use our “Import Instruments” dialog. The import procedure will check data and format consistency, automatically create new instruments when needed, and update existing records. This way you can reliably transfer your entire “spreadsheet database” into AlphaBot with just a few clicks.

Can data from different sources be mixed and used together?

Of course! All data in AlphaBot is formatted in a special way that allows it to be used in any part of the system. Customers can mix data from hedge fund databases, combine it with market indices, throw in cryptocurrencies from yet another data feed, and even add their own data - all of which can be used simultaneously.

Is there a document management feature?

Yes. Documents can be added to the system with simple Drag and Drop, be shared (when desired) or kept private, and opened with a click when needed. The system provides association between your documents and relevant instruments (such as a hedge fund DDQ or Due Diligence Questionnaire and their return stream) and instantly shows you all relevant documents when working with a portfolio, for example.

Can I share results of my work with colleagues, clients, or prospects?

Absolutely! Sharing is a very strong feature of AlphaBot and many professionals from asset managers to consultants will find it extremely useful when working with their clients. Individual instruments, lists of “favorites”, portfolios, and documents can all be shared with other users as desired while maintaining full control and transparency over the process.

What is the “Professional Networking” feature about?

AlphaBot is not just a spreadsheet replacement, it is also a strong networking tool for alternative investment professionals. Connect, communicate, share results of your research, build portfolios for your clients using their specific benchmarks - all of this is possible in AlphaBot saving you and your clients the need to send (and then save) multiple email attachments. It is a must for any serious professional, and provides dramatic efficiency improvement.

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